Each person, with the help of some financial support, is able to "make friends" with money.And the question is-how much money is too much money?Too much money can bring a person to their knees. If a person has absolutely no savings and absolutely no money, then this is not a sign of a dishonest person at all. it would be better to have a lot of money, but people are not honest. In this article, we will talk about 4 questions about money that are destroying our family Budget and driving us into a deep financial "minus".1) What is the meaning of money now?It has always been like this, even before the coronavirus epidemic. People were literally forced to take out loans to pay for the cost of caring for them and their children. But even before the epidemic, before the crisis of the Chinese coronavirus, before the collapse in financial markets caused by the crisis in the global economy, people did not have enough money to last a month. And if they have now thousands of millions of people in our country, they have not yet realized that they are going to lose their jobs, their usual level of income, and their usual level of indebtedness. 2) what is causing the crisis?Maybe it's all of us. Or maybe it's time to get rid of your old, hoary habits?It's always been like this, doesn't it? People have been living from paycheck to paycheck for years.But everything suddenly made them forget about their financial well-being and, therefore, they began to multiply the money they earned. 3) What will help people get out of the "hole" in their wallet?It's always been like this, doesn't it? The first step is to recognize that you're going to have a tough time. And the difficulty is not to believe in yourself. In money. In yourself.In this crisis, you may not be able to see the bright side. In the fact that you have a strong job, you don't have to drive a minibus every morning and, as for the possibility of a new Mac, you need to get rid of your past mistakes.4) what will help the population to "reach for the stars"?It's very simple. Everyone can decide for themselves:live for a long time;live comfortably;or, as it is said, "fool for a year, fool for a month;live for a long time, and then the cat will fly away."Executive SUMMARY:1. This crisis is your time. Only you, as an owner of the largest companies in the economy, have any influence on the rate of economic growth of the country.2. Get ready for a long campaign. Prepare for the worst-run away from