We are in a " time of no regrets". And everyone wants to do the right thing — to provide their family with a decent income and a stable future.But, alas, there are no winners here. Everyone loses (not only the usual suspects, but also the economy and the population as a whole). Incomes are falling, wealth is disappearing, and people are facing a prolonged period of severe depression and lack of money.In this article, we will talk about how and why a developing country can avoid becoming a victim of the current crisis. a Financial crisis. In March, we were all forced to close our borders to avoid quarantine.And after that, we were all lucky to wear a "V-shaped" invitation to a "closed world". But we've arrived and it's not so difficult to get out of the crisis. After all, the main thing is to get out of debt and loans, which is exactly what we will talk about in today's article. 7 rules that will help you leave the growing crisis behind and find prosperity:1) Change your " money scenario"The global financial crisis has come to us all, not just to those who work in the financial industry. This includes not only banks and "Bad" corporations, like in the United States. Coronavirus COVID-19 has come to us all, including to those who earn "voluntarily" from the state. 2) Start investingDon't hold on to your past savings and past performance. Don't keep them on an "active" account. invest.Set ambitious financial goals for yourself, the year 2020 and beyond.For the sake of a stable income, you need to invest money regularly (10-20% of each income you receive).3) the Basics of personal FinanceMake a good habit of saving 10-20% of each income earned.Use this money to replenish your "financial cushion" and make regular investments.Executive SUMMARY:1. By the fall, you should have a "financial cushion" of sufficient size.2. This is exactly the "magic" ingredient that will allow you and your loved ones to "fly" to financial well-being. 1) Read my article " Where NOT to invest money? TOP 3 most dangerous places for money". 2) Read my article " what skills do you need to become a professional?" rich."