In the Western world, we generally think of money as something that lives and grows in some mountains.That is why we are very afraid, and therefore try to save the most of our earnings.In the East, on the other hand, they take very strong pride in their achievements and loudly shout "Hands off the money!" So it was with us, even when we were children. And so it will be with us, even when we are older. In this article, we will talk about how to get rid of money problems forever and find financial prosperity.Do you want to know how to get rid of your ever-empty wallet?To begin with, I suggest that you review your "money management" program.To do this, make a good habit of saving 10-20% of each of your earnings.This will help you gradually form an impressive capital, the income from which will fully provide for you and your entire family.To do this, take care of:your health and immunity;the development of your personality and the growth of your professional skills;the availability of suitable assets and the efficient use of available money;financial literacy (the ability to handle money correctly and constructively);physical education (how to control your body and finances);etc.And finally, try to optimize the largest items of your expenses (the biggest is food). You can do this by replacing ordinary, non-food expenses with a new, more reasonable "all-around" expense item (such as a one-time purchase of housing, transportation, groceries, etc.). This will allow you to gradually form a sizeable capital, the income from which will fully provide for you and your entire family. 1) Read my article " Where NOT to invest money? TOP 3 most dangerous places for money". 2) Read my article "what skills you need to become rich".